Tuesday, December 12, 2017

5 Soothing Essential Oils To Rub On Your Sciatic Nerve For Instant Pain Relief

The largest nerve in the human body, the sciatic nerve, stretches from the spine, down to the ankle and even the feet. Yet, it might get inflamed and lead to severe pain, tingling, and numbness.

This pain might also be a result of prolonged hours of sitting, improper body posture, heavy lifting, stress, pressure on the nerve, and a prolapsed disk in your spine.
Yet, numerous people have successfully relieved these symptoms with the help of yoga and stretching.
However, if you do not have much time, make sure you do at least the following: lie on the back with the knees drawn to the chest or supported by a chair and rest the head on a pillow. Repeat this every night, for 10 minutes.
Essential oils and herbs are extremely helpful in the case of sciatica pain as well.
They should be diluted in some carrier oil like jojoba, extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grapeseed oil.
You should use the powerful mixture to massage the painful areas. After the massage, place a warm cloth over the affected places, to relax the muscles. Yet, make sure you do a patch test before you apply the essential oil, as they might irritate the sensitive skin.
The following essential oils would be your best choice to treat sciatica pain:
  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Juniper Essential Oil
  • Pepper Essential Oil
  • Mustard Oil

Friday, December 1, 2017

How to Treat and Prevent Running Injuries: Lower Back Pain

Back issues can result from all manner of activity and inactivity. While some runners experience lower back pain, it may more often be a result of sitting hunched in front of a computer screen all day than from that 5 miles you ran before work.

In fact, research published in the journal Spine, which surveyed 937 former elite athletes from different sports and 620 control participants, discovered that lower back pain was actually less of a problem for athletes than the general population. When the researchers honed in on runners in particular, they didn't find any correlation between lower back pain and higher training mileage.

More: 10 Tips to Extend Your Running Life

While those results are comforting for runners who don't currently have issues with back pain, there are still plenty of harriers out there who struggle with this issue. The pain generally materializes as an ache in the lower back muscles before, during or after running. While the culprit of this ailment isn't always running related, there are a number of potential links.

"Oftentimes it is an overuse issue due to a lack of hip mobility and inappropriate core stability," explains Jim Beversdorf, a licensed athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist at Bellin Health Sports Medicine in Green Bay, Wisconsin. "Core is a very generalized and often overused term by many today, so to get to the root issue takes an in-depth understanding of what needs to be corrected with regards to stabilization of the core."

More: 9 Core Exercises That Improve Running Form

One of the main trouble areas of the core that may be a partial cause of lower back pain: the hips. In particular, research has shown that runners often lack hip mobility, meaning they are less flexible in this area. Many experts believe that, along with tight hamstrings, the pelvis can end up rotated too far forward or backward, thereby placing undue strain on the spine.

More: Hip Strengthening and Mobility Exercises for Runners

Poor form, which can be correlated to decreased hip mobility in some cases, can also be one of the root causes of lower back pain in runners. If you suspect this may be your problem, Beversdorf suggests going to see an expert.

"Educating a runner on proper form and, more importantly, teaching them the corrective exercises that influence their form, is the important part," Beversdorf says. "Simply telling someone to change [his or her] posture isn't going to do it for most runners; their current posture position has been trained for long periods of time, and it takes specific corrective techniques to positively improve posture."

Continue reading the rest of the article here: https://www.active.com/running/articles/how-to-treat-and-prevent-running-injuries-lower-back-pain

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